James started playing the piano when he was 4 years old. Hearing his sister play the piano, and making music together, stimulated him to start himself too. Because he was too young to attend a music school, his father, a former drummer, became his first music teacher. At the age of 10, he was discovered by renowned pianist Eliane Rodrigues, during a master class. She was especially amazed by the emotional depth he could give to music pieces at such a young age. She decided to give him private lessons to develop his talent. In the next years, he studied a lot of classical pieces and won several prizes in classical piano competitions. His favourite composers were Chopin, Liszt and Debussy.

From the age of 15, he started composing his original music, inspired by his difficult youth and his wonder of the universe, expressing his emotions and imagination. Also the Greek philosophy and myths, the poetry from Homer to Shakespeare, as well as the mathematical and physical secrets of the universe fascinated him and would become a lasting inspiration, also in his later works. In this period, his biggest music influences were the works of Ludovico Einaudi, Hans Zimmer and Tony Anderson.

At the age of 18, James went to university to study mathematics. Instead of learning the existing mathematical theories, he was inventing new ones. And instead of studying, he was writing music compositions or poems and playing chess games. The professors did not take his creativity into account, so he decided to stop and focus on his music. He went to the conservatory in Antwerp to study music composition, after being refused by the conservatory in Leuven.

At the end of 2019, he won the TV-show Belgiums Got Talent and impressed the jury with a self-written cinematic arrangement for piano and orchestra, performed on a grand piano, accompanied by a full orchestra. He stopped his studies at the conservatory in Antwerp, because he wanted to start building on his artist career. His dream was to perform, to give international concerts.

Which was supposed to be the successful start of his career, ended abruptly due to the covid pandemic. All his upcoming concerts after Belgiums Got Talent were canceled or postponed, as his record deal with Sony Entertainment. The most of his fanbase from the TV show disappeared. He dealt with some very hard times, on a professional and personal level. The suicide of his best friend in 2021 left the biggest impression. Eventually, everything where he was going through, motivated him even more to never give up and to keep going for his goal to inspire the world with his music and to make it a better place. To heal and help people, where he couldn’t help his best friend. A world of love, light and freedom.

To personally deliver this message to the world, and after giving a couple of uncrowded, self-organized concerts in Belgium, he made a journey through Europe as a street musician to inspire and connect all people at the streets in Winter and Spring of 2022. Despite the severe cold - sometimes he was playing outside when it was around 0 degrees - it was an amazing adventure and he created a lot of new music after it.

After that journey, he went to Los Angeles to follow masterclasses film music. In his free time, he played at the Santa Monica Pier and 3rd Street Promenade. He was shocked by the big gap between poor and rich, so he also decided to play for the many homeless people there, giving them music, while his girlfriend gave them food and drinks.

Still in the same year, he went to Paris to develop his artist career with a manager from there. He kept performing at the streets and connecting people, this time at the beautiful Pont d’Arcole, near the famous Notre-Dame. But after a couple of months, he stopped working with the management and decided to go his own way, to stay true to the person he really is.

In January 2023, he moved to Ostend. He gave a couple of self-organized concerts, but almost empty halls and high expenses were the only result. His original music did not get any recognition, apart from the people enjoying it at the streets. No booking agency, label or newspaper in his country was interested in his talent and achievements in the past years, he got ignored or refused every time he reached out. To make it even worse, the city and police in Ostend forbade him to perform in the streets, parks and on the beach. He did not listen to them, as his mission was also to strive for freedom, so he got many fines. When he almost got arrested and his music materials were stolen multiple times, people close to him advised him to stop with his music career, because it clearly did not work out. But James - very stubborn and not afraid to take risks - would continue, finding another way, knowing he healed and inspired already a lot of people with his music and efforts. And if no one in the music/entertainment industry wanted to help him, he would achieve it all himself, working day and night if necessary.

So he started building a fanbase on social media by creating exceptional piano videos and livestreams in nature. He performed with headphones, only the people in the livestreams could hear the sound, so the police couldn’t do anything anymore. He went to some unusual locations, difficult accessible with a keyboard: at a rooftop to capture the sunset, in the mountains,... he took his keyboard everywhere. This way he could use one of his most important sources of inspiration - nature, to show everyone the cinematic aspect of his music and the beauty of nature. In less than 6 months, his videos and livestreams started going viral on the social media platforms. At the end of the same year 2023 and in early 2024, he gave two successful self-organized cinematic piano shows in his country.

In March 2024, a label contacted him for releasing his music, Nordic Euphonic Records (NER). This way, his songs also got more attention on the streaming platforms. During spring, he made a journey to Paris, Vienna and the Alps. When he came back, he moved to his hometown Genk, in Belgium. There, he could create a music studio to record and produce his own music. His music and mission got worldwide attention, his livestreams and videos reached millions of people. Now he is working towards a world tour in 2025.